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PsoEasy psoriasis cream


What is PsoEasy?

PsoEasy is an alternative natural line of skin products designed to treat, control, and relieve symptoms such as dryness, redness, and flaking caused by different skin diseases and disorders.

Ongoing Research

Professional researchers are constantly testing and developing new and better treatment methods. They keep in close contact with hundreds of PsoEasy customers, recording their feedback. We continually analyze our customers’ responses in order to improve our products and more effectively relieve the symptoms of those who use them.

Active Ingredients

PsoEasy’s unique formulas reflect extensive knowledge from many sources, including traditional vegetal medicine, modern research methods, and the guidance of dermatologists and biochemists.

One active ingredient in PsoEasy products is the Tea Tree Oil derived from the leaves of an Australian plant. The native Australians saw the benefits of tea tree leaves and used them to relieve a number of skin irritations. Today the oil is known for its antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Psoriasis patients, for example, have found relief with tea tree oil. At PsoEasy tea tree oil is a vital factor in our creams, scalp lotions, and shampoo.

Another ingredient in PsoEasy products is Aloe Vera Juice. Researchers have found that aloe vera juice greatly reduces disease activity for people with plaque psoriasis, when compared to topical steroids. The aloe vera juice in PsoEasy products is potentially good news for millions of psoriasis sufferers who typically rely on a variety of topical treatments, including prescription-strength steroids that can have local and systemic side effects.

Get Rid of it Naturally

PsoEasy products are made only from natural ingredients, including plant extracts, ethereal oils, vitamins, and minerals. All our products contain plants and minerals from the Dead Sea, known for centuries to have remarkable healing qualities.

Our products offer clients alternative, effective treatments based on natural substances that do not contain steroids or tar. Our extensive research, and high-quality ingredients synergistically combined, result in PsoEasy’s unique line of successful products.

All DSP products were approved by the Israeli Ministry of Health.